
Showing posts from December, 2018

35 Cute Names to Call Your Girlfriend (GF)

Most of us have a nickname for a loved one. These nicknames symbolize the love and the affection that we have for someone close. Usually, nicknames are derived from a person’s real name, however, if it’s your girlfriend, you might want to go with something more romantic and sensual.  For instance, you can call your girlfriend sunshine because she lightens up your life or call her peach because she is delightful. While selecting the cute names to call your girl, keep the tips in mind, or your gesture of love could be misread. For each of the names that we have listed, a brief description has been added so you can choose a nickname for girlfriend according to their personality or something that you think best describes them.  Bub - For someone who is too adorable.  Gorgeous - This one is self-explanatory.  Lover-Girl  – As she is the one you truly love.  Wifey - Someone you plan to make your future wife.  Honey - A classic rolls on the tongue.  Cinderella - As